Nah bro like in the last episode she went to see Soichiro's grave, cried on Soichiro's momentos, and seemed really sad on her wedding and before(rewatch 95 and 96). I wouldn't marry a girl who couldn't get over her ex especially if I loved her and shit so if there was a choice between Soichiro and Godai, me personally i think she'd pick Soichiro as there's literally no implications that she has moved on.
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How can I find Ashita hareru ka instrumental version, wich played in episode 38 at 19:04? It is different from other instrumental/karaoke versions of this song wich I found on YouTube and cd's.
I would like to present you the following information:
I have been listening the Maison Ikkoku OST albums, and I decided to rank the individual songs according to my own tastes.
So, here I present you a Master Table of (mostly) all the pieces of music of the Maison Ikkoku OST with a score:
In conclusion, my Top 3 Favorite songs are:
"Take Shelter from the Rain" (there is also a variation of this song too)
"A Bell Rings at Dawn"
"A Dream within a Dream"
But all of the songs that I scored 8/10 or more are Really Good indeed.
I leave this info in here, so more people have an idea about the best songs of this OST.
I don't know if i'm the only one thinking about this, but that's Rumiko for you.
Don't know why love doing information on Rumiko's stuff.
You just live in it.
Hello everyone. I would like to ask a question regarding the state of Stub Articles in this Wiki.
In (almost) every MI wiki article page for the individual episodes of the anime, there is the following message:
"This article is a stub. You can help Maison Ikkoku Wiki by expanding it".
And that is because (almost) every MI wiki article page for the individual episodes of the anime is empty (no Synopsis, Detailed Plot, Quotes, Trivia nor Gallery pictures).
But I am (slowly) working on every single article page for the individual episodes of the anime, so they now include stuff like Synopsis, Quotes, Trivia, and Gallery pictures.
My question is: What is considered a Stub Article, and when does it stop being a Stub Articule? At what point of sections completion should the page be considered "not a Stub" anymore?
Because I daresay that when an articule has most of the sections already filled, the Stub message should be removed.
I would like to hear opinions / guidelines about when I should be able to remove the Stub Article message in every page, as I keep completing info for most of the sections in every individual page,
Hello everyone.
I would like to ask you guys the following question:
- Do you know if there is any Censorship in Maison Ikkoku latest releases, regarding video trims / cuts?
Let me explain:
- In episode 18 (Kyoko's Gift! What? You Mean It's for Me?) there is a scene where Godai meets Kozue in the café. In that scene I kinda believe there is some censorship in the version of MI I am watching:
When Godai sits on the table, he is holding his head (from a hit he had on the head minutes earlier) and Kozue says "Godai, you are bleeding" despite of (in the version I am watching) him not bleeding at all. Then Kozue gives Godai her handkerchief, so he can clean himself.
Mintues later (in the same scene) Kozue gives Godai a Christmas Present, so he feels obligated to give her a present too. So he reaches his pocket to give her the present intended for Kyōko. In that moment (in the version I am watching) there is camera zoom to his face. That zoom looks really cheap, so his head is really pixeled and badly drawn (in comparison to the previous and next shots).
- In retrospective, I am quite sure that I may have noticed something like that in other episodes (I should have documented those instances properly) :(
That makes me wonder: Do you know if there was some Censorship done in the latest video releases of Maison Ikkoku (just like they did in Ranma 1/2)? Does anyone know the history behind it?.
*warning: light spoilers for eps 61-62
Hi everyone:)
So a while ago, I made a series of playlists for my good friend who introduced me to Maison. The first three are based around episodes 61 and 62 of the show (if you don't remember or haven't seen yet, those are the ones where Kyoko goes on a solo trip, Godai goes looking for her, and then they meet serendipitously at the hot springs). The first is meant to be a soundtrack to Godai's perspective, the second Kyoko's, and the third is the culmination where they meet and have that beautiful night drinking and talking. The fourth playlist is a separate one based on Akemi's character and what I'd imagine her taste to be. Along with these playlists, I also made screenshot albums for the first three with a frame to match each song (meant to slideshow or scroll through as you listen, so it is a full experience haha). Lastly, I put them all together in one big playlist too, in case you'd rather just shuffle them all (I've done this and played the show on mute in the background and it usually fits well!).
Here they are...
The first one, "so many confusing animes", from Godai's perspective:
"so many confusing animes" slides:
The second one, "train to the hot spring", from Kyoko's perspective:
"train to the hot spring" slides:
The third one, "love from the universe", when they finally meet:
"love from the universe" slides:
Akemi's Mix:
Enjoy and let me know if any of the links don't work, I am happy to resend individually!
P.s. please excuse the inside jokey title and caption of the first playlist...that friend and I call each other "big dawg" and watch a lot of anime together 🤓
P.s.s. if anyone else has made playlists about/inspired by the show, please share I would love to listen!
First suggestion from BaldiBasicsFan is to change the name of episodes pages to episodes numbers. My own suggestion is rather than having a page for each manga chapter to have a page for each volume that would contain a short synopsis of each featured chapter, just like in the pages of the Kyoukai no Rinne volumes in Kyoukai no Rinne wiki, cause I don't see the point of explaining how every chapter goes when you can just read them, and a short synopsis of each chapter could perhaps render the readers curious and prompt them to read the chapters or even buy the volumes.
Hi guys. I know we're not a big and active community at the moment but who knows what will happen in the future. The reason I'm starting this thread is to discuss the various additions that you think will improve the wiki's popularity and possibly attract more editors. Let me start by listing my ideas:
- New theme for Monobook users.
- A better background
- Award Barnstars to hardworking and diligent users.
Please list your suggestions below. I'm sure you all will come up with something cool :) Thanks, Ryoga (talk)
I was wondering Kyoko's pet, Soichiro's characteristics. Can somebody explain to me about his personalities? Also, I intend to know Soichiro's other name(s).